13 December 2022
Written by Gisborne Men's Shed 'Shedman' Ken Reither
2021 has been another interesting year for the Gisborne Men’s Shed. Our experience of operating a virtual Shed during lockdowns in 2020 with weekly newsletters, Zoom sessions and phone calls made it a bit easier this year. We’ve even built another cubby house, complete with furniture (and a knitted tradie), to raffle with all proceeds going to the Gisborne Foodbank.
Once again construction was masterminded by Shedman Max, pictured above with the six frames, but this year only the frames were built in his own shed. Gisborne came out of lockdown early enough to finish it off at our Men’s Shed with many members lending a hand.
For your chance to win this cubby house, or garden shed, man cave, parent’s retreat or kennel, and to support this worthy community cause, go to 'A Cubby House for Christmas 2021' with tickets $5 each and can be purchased online.
We’ll deliver and install the cubby house to the lucky winner before Christmas (or later by negotiation) within a 30 km radius of Gisborne, provided the site is reasonably level and easily accessed. The cubby is on display in local supermarket carparks on weekends until 19 December. Last year we raised $6,800 and we’re hoping for a similar amount this year. Benetas CEO Sandra Hills OAM has kindly agreed to visit our Shed on 20 December to draw the raffle at 11:00am.
Good luck and thank you for your support!
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