Discovering Home Care
Find information to help you navigate the government system and learn a little bit about us.

I've been assessed and I'm shopping around
Find tips, tools and more information about pricing while you wait to be assigned a home care package.
I've been assigned a package, and I'm ready
We look forward to talking to you in more depth, but here you’ll find some hints about how to maximise your package options and what to expect when you sign with us.

Client Library
Navigating and administering your home care services with these helpful PDF download resources.
Can’t find what
you’re looking for? Call us on
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the service you’re receiving?
We offer a range of Home Care services across Victoria
Check your postcode to see if we have services in your area
Show availablityLet’s find the perfect fit
We want to give you the most relevant information to fit your needs. Choose which step of the Home Care process you’re at and we will provide the information that is relevant to you.
I feel so fortunate they have given me confidence for the future, it is almost life changing realising so much can be done.