A proud history
Benetas has been providing aged care services in Victoria for 75 years. Benetas was established in 1948 when a small group of volunteers from the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne responded to an urgent need to provide care and support to older Victorians.
To reflect our Anglican heritage and commitment to social justice, we contribute a social dividend which sees any profit reinvested into growing and expanding services and initiatives, including our dedicated research and advocacy agenda, which provides broader benefits to people within our communities.
Today, while our heritage inspires our commitment to provide quality care, we are dedicated to the principle and practice that our services are not limited to those who share our story.
Our Values
Pastoral care
We understand that adjusting to moving into an aged care home, coping with illness and approaching the end of life can be challenging.
Benetas encourages all our staff and volunteers to bring a pastoral sensibility to their role, to listen to and be truly present to our clients. At times you might feel the need to speak to someone, so across our residential services Benetas’ specialist team of nondenominational Pastoral Care Practitioners are there to provide individualised and ongoing spiritual and emotional support.

The faith dimension
Across all of our services the faith dimension of a person’s life is supported through connections with denominational visitors and volunteer companions who foster an ongoing relationship with our clients’ chosen faith tradition and provide Church and Chaplaincy services.
Meet our team
Sandra Hills OAM
Chief Executive Officer
MBA; GDipHumanServMgt; GCertHlthServR&E; BA (Psych and Soc)
Sandra Hills joined Benetas in 2009 with career experience in local and state government and the not-for-profit sector.
Elyssia Clark
General Manager, Customer, Insights and Marketing
BA (Psy)(Media); PG Dip (App. Science); MA (Str Marketing)
Elyssia was appointed in October 2022 and brings a wealth of knowledge in data, customer experience and marketing.
Campbell Richards
Chief Financial Officer
BE (Civil) (Comm), CA
Campbell Richards joined Benetas as Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary in 2022, having had a successful career spanning 17 years.
Helen Kemp
General Manager, Community Health and Care
Helen joined Benetas in 2020 and is a leading health and aged care practitioner with over 20 years of experience.
Verity Leith
General Manager, Residential Services
RN (Certificate General Nursing), Critical Care Nursing Certificate, BEd, GAICD
Verity joined Benetas in September 2019, with extensive experience in executive management roles within the industry.
Sarah McInerney
General Manager, Quality, Risk, and Safeguarding
BComm/Law; Bpharm
Sarah joined Benetas in 2021 as the General Manager of Quality, Risk and Safeguarding and oversees quality, compliance and continuous improvement of Benetas.
Bruce Webb
General Manager, Strategy, Infrastructure and Housing
BComm, MBA
Bruce has been with Benetas since 2011 and has been the General Manager of Strategy, Infrastructure and Housing since August 2019.
Julia Pryor
LLB, BA (History&Classics), ExecMA (Leadership &Mgt), MAICD
Julia Pryor is presently the Chief Risk Officer, Wealth at AMP (Australia and New Zealand), and brings more than 20 years’ experience in governance, risk and compliance to the Benetas Board.
Michael Urwin
Board Member
BA (Hons), Dip.Ed (Melb), FACE
Michael Urwin is an active member of the Anglican Church, former Brighton Grammar School Headmaster and has been a member of the Diocese of Melbourne Archbishop Council previously.
Associate Professor Michael Murray AM
Board Member
MB, BS, MPH, FRACP, AFRACMA, FAAG, FANZSGM, Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Professor Michael Murray has a broad range of management, clinical and clinical teaching experience in the area of aged care.
Helen Bloustein
Board Member
B.Comm, Cert. Actuarial Techniques (IFoA), MAICD
Helen Bloustein brings to Benetas broad experience in investment management, superannuation and best-practice approaches to sustainability management and reporting.
Prof Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh
Board Member
Dip Appl Sci (Nursing), Renal Cert, BA, MA, PhD, RN
Deirdre is the Director of the Australian Centre for Evidence-Based Aged Care (ACEBAC) at La Trobe University and is dedicated to raising the profile of care staff in residential aged care.
Policies, Reports and Publications
We regularly produce publications and documents such as strategic plans, annual reports, submissions to government reviews and more. Benetas representatives are also regularly invited to present at external conferences, sharing the experiences of our clients, families, staff and organisation with industry peers.
Below are some of our recent documents available for download.
Our Year in Review
Discover key highlights and achievements from Benetas over the past year.