Feedback Categories
Benetas categorises feedback using the "three C's" - whether it's a compliment, comment or complaint.
Compliment: is any positive feedback that we, or a member of our workforce receives.
Comment: is a neutral statement of feedback that can neither be categorised as positive or negative, where a response or resolution is not expected or required.
Complaint: is an expression of dissatisfaction related to our care, services, workers or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected, or legally required.
Translation and interpreter assistance
If you need an interpreter, please call Benetas on (1300 23 63 82) between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday and we will arrange the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). Alternatively, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service directly on 131 450.
Share feedback in your preferred language
Other available feedback options
In Person
Raise your matter directly with a member of our workforce or the manager of the service.
Calling the manager of the service or the Benetas Customer Service Centre on 1300 23 63 82.
In writing
Write to us or complete the attached English feedback form. You can also collect a form from our sites or support office.
Once you have completed the form, you can either:

Advocacy and support services
If you would like another person to speak on your behalf, you can use your family, friends, carers or an advocacy service. If you feel a Benetas consumer is at risk please raise this immediately with the manager of that service or contact our Customer Centre by calling 1300 23 63 82.
Aged Care Complaints and Advocacy
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Email: info@agedcarequality.gov.au
Phone: 1800 951 822
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Phone: 1800 700 600
Disability and Retirement Living Complaints
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Email: contactcentre@ndiscommission.gov.au
Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call)
Consumer Affairs
Phone: 1300 558 181 (free call)
Elder Rights and Protection
Elder Abuse Phone Line
Phone: 1800 353 374
Senior Rights Victoria
Phone: 1300 386 821
Health and Privacy Complaints
Health Complaints Commissioner
Phone: 1300 582 113
Office of Victorian Information Commissioner
Email: enquiries@ovic.vic.gov.au
Phone: 1300 666 444
Legal and Government Advocacy
Victorian Ombudsman
Phone: (03) 9613 6222
Office of the Public Advocate
Phone: 1300 309 337