Supporting Veterans’ at home
Benetas is a preferred service provider with the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) supporting Victorian Veterans' and families with home care services. Find out more about the Veterans Home Care Program and how Benetas can support you. You’ll discover how to apply and get funding, and some additional information about co-contributions.
What is Veterans’ Home Care?
The Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) Program provides practical help at home so you can continue to live independently.
If you are a Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) client eligible for Veterans' Home Care, you are able to choose Benetas as your preferred provider.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible for an assessment if you have a:
- Veteran Gold Card
- Veteran White Card for an accepted service-related injury or condition
The VHC Assessment Agency will assist you in determining eligibility.
How to register and apply
You can find out if you’re eligible and apply for Veterans Home Care via the Department of Veterans Affairs. Other people can also refer you to the VHC Assessment Agency with your consent, such as family members, carers, friends, General Practitioners and hospital discharge planners.
Step 1:
The first thing you’ll need to do is call the VHC Assessment Agency on 1300 550 450 to get started.
Step 2:
An assessment is completed with you over the phone at a time that suits you. The VHC assessor will discuss your circumstances with you to identify services you may need.
Step 3:
Your assessor will create a unique care plan for you after identifying services required to help you live independently and thrive. A copy will be mailed to you. The plan will also be sent directly to the service provider.
The VHC Assessment Agency will then arrange appropriate services in consultation with you and various providers in your area.
You could request your VHC service to be delivered by Benetas.
Step 4:
The VHC Assessment Agency will then approve your services and send you a copy of your plan with the details of the allocated provider. The provider will then call you to arranges service
Types of services
Your assessor will identify specific services that meet your unique needs after discussing your situation, lifestyle choices and health goals with you and your family. These services are designed to maintain the health, wellbeing and independence of eligible veterans and/or war widows and widowers.
At Benetas, we can provide the following services to VHC clients:
- Domestic Assistance
- Personal Care
How much does it cost?
The DVA covers most costs to eligible Veterans however there is a small client contribution referred to as co-payments.
See co-payments listed below:
Service Type | Co-payment Amount | Cap Limit |
Domestic Assistance | $5 per hour | Maximum $5 per week |
Personal Care | $5 per hour | Maximum $10 per week (if two or more hours are provided in a week) |
For part hours being delivered, pro rata co-payments will apply within cap limits (e.g. the co-payment for one and a half hours of Personal Care is $7.50)
VHC Assessment Agencies determine the co-payment amount to be paid by the Entitled Person to the VHC Service Provider. The co-payment is listed on your VHC Care Plan.

My needs have changed – now what?
If you feel your needs have changed since your assessment, contact your VHC Assessment Agency using the number in your VHC care plan or call 1300 550 450.
Enquire about Benetas servicing your VHC
Complete the online form below and we will be in touch. Fields marked * are required.
I feel so fortunate they have given me confidence for the future, it is almost life changing realising so much can be done.