Benetas is committed to ethical, socially responsible and sustainable practices and we are committed to developing relationships with business partners, suppliers and contractors (Suppliers) that align with our vision and mission to support our customers to live their best life and the values of our organisation.
It is our expectation that Suppliers will act in a way that aligns with the above practices, as outlined in this Supplier Code of Conduct. This document applies to all suppliers of goods and services to Benetas, whether local, national or international.
Ethical Expectations
Benetas is dedicated to upholding high ethical standards and compliance with all applicable laws. Suppliers and their supply chain are expected to commit to the same standards – these include:
Maintaining high standards of ethical conduct and compliance with all applicable laws, in particular the Aged Care Act 1997 and Retirement Villages Act 1986. These standards should apply to all business activities, including relationships, practices, sourcing and operations.
Suppliers are expected to comply with all anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering & modern slavery laws. Engaging in, either directly or indirectly, fraudulent, corrupt or collusive activities is against our values and standards.
Benetas expects all suppliers to maintain adequate records and information regarding business activities, labour resources, health and safety and environmental practices. Disclosure of information if requested by Benetas is expected to be undertaken without falsification or misrepresentation.
Potentially commercially sensitive information that Benetas may share with a Supplier must always be treated confidentially.
Benetas expects all suppliers to uphold the rights of our service users, as set out in the Charter of Aged Care Rights, the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) Code of Conduct, and the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
Conflict of interest; gifts, benefits and hospitality
Suppliers must inform Benetas of any situation that raises an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest related to or in connection with its dealings with Benetas.
Any conflicts of interest that cannot be avoided must be declared to Benetas and managed appropriately. Benetas maintains a gift register and all employees are expected to perform duties without favouritism, bias or for personal gain. If a Supplier offers a gift greater than $50 in value, this will be placed on the gift register and distributed according to the relevant Benetas Policy. The expectation is that no offering from a Supplier is given for the purpose of enticing or trying to obtain advantage.
Corporate Governance
Suppliers are expected to maintain sound administration processes. Suppliers should develop and maintain a process to identify, manage and control relevant risks associated with its operations, in relation to any potential impact to Benetas. This includes supply chain risks and risks relating to labour and human rights, health and safety, the environment, business ethics, and corporate governance.
When applicable in relation to services provided to Benetas, a Supplier should develop emergency plans and procedures that minimise harm to life, environment and property, while minimising disruption to business continuity.
Social Responsibilities
Labour and human rights
Suppliers are expected to provide a fair and ethical workplace, maintaining high standards of human rights, with appropriate labour and human rights policies and practices in place
At Benetas we pride ourselves on providing an equal employment and gender equality workplace and expect our Suppliers not to discriminate against any employee based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other status protected by law, in hiring and other employment practices. Consistent with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, suppliers are expected to proactively support gender equality initiatives. Benetas has implemented Procurement Guidelines to help promote and influence improvements in gender equality across its Supply Chain through procurement policies and practices. Benetas also encourages Suppliers to explore opportunities to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses in their supply chain.
Suppliers are expected not to bully or threaten employees, or subject them to unlawful or inhumane treatment. This includes, but is not limited to, abuse and harassment which can be verbal, physical, sexual or psychological. Consistent with The Modern Slavery Act 2018, Suppliers are expected to proactively identify, address and – where required by legislation – report on risks of modern slavery practices (defined broadly to include all forms of human trafficking, forced labour and slavery-like practices) in their business operations and supply chains. You can read more in our Modern Slavery Statement.
Suppliers should take reasonable endeavours to ensure that any third-party labour agency it may use to fulfil services to Benetas, is compliant with The Modern Slavery Act 2018, including payments, recruitment related fees and expenses in recruiting foreign contract workers.
All relevant Suppliers involved in the labour hire sector must hold a licence under this scheme before Benetas can engage their services. Please refer to the Victorian Labour Hire Authority – for more information.
Suppliers are expected to freely allow employees to associate with others, form and join (or refrain from joining) industrial organisations or associations of their choice and bargain collectively, or engage in any lawful industrial activity without interference, discrimination, retaliation or harassment.
Suppliers must abide by The Privacy Act 1988, which regulates the treatment of personal information about individuals. This includes the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information about individuals.
Health and Safety
Suppliers are expected to provide a healthy and safe work environment, with comprehensive health and safety management practices in place.
Suppliers with employees who need to enter a Benetas residential aged care premises must ensure those employees meet any applicable requirements (e.g., current police check, influenza vaccination), and be able to provide verified evidence.
Suppliers must comply with all other applicable laws relating to workplace health and safety and provide their employees with job-related training and consult with employees in relation to the provision of information and training.
Environmental Responsibilities
Environmental Management
Benetas is committed to promoting environmental responsibility in our business activities, minimising or altering resource consumption where possible to move towards more sustainable practices. Benetas has a focus on efficient use of energy – with a program to continue adding solar panels to sites, initiatives to reduce water use in laundries, efficient management of waste steams etc.
Benetas has a preference to work with Suppliers that demonstrate a commitment to environmentally sustainable practices, which minimise the environmental impact of operations and maintain environmentally responsible policies and practices, including safe storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous substances, along with the consumption of resources such as energy and water.
Updated 30 July 2020