18 April 2024
Benetas Corowa Court has created three new environments for residents through vibrant and inspiring images, murals and paintings, including works by famous French impressionist Claude Monet.
The three areas have been transformed through the use of three glass atriums exhibiting colourful pieces, encouraging residents and families to chat, enjoy activities or some quiet time.
The previously rarely used areas are now considered destination points, attracting both residents and staff on a daily basis.
The Mornington home’s Art Room now evokes a French impressionist theme with works by 19th and 20th century artist Claude Monet.
The room also hosts classes specifically for residents with dementia as the creative process can help with memory retention.
The former Seaview Room has become the Sports Lounge, complete with a dart board and scoring sheet with images of Australian sporting icons.
Finally, a former sitting area has been turned into a Garden Room with images of landscapes and plant life taking viewers back to nature.
Separate to the glass atriums, artworks have also been installed in the home’s kitchenettes and dining rooms, adding a new flavour to meal times.
Benetas CEO Sandra Hills OAM said it was always looking for new ways to improve residential aged care environments to inspire resident, families and employees.
“These are tranquil, inspiring spaces for people to relax, meet others and take part in arts and crafts,” Ms Hills said.
Resident Noeline described the updated rooms as inviting spaces that promote an engaging and relaxing atmosphere.
“These are great. I think they’ve got everything right in the new areas, there’s something for everyone,” Noeline said.
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