19 February 2019
My Aged Care is your gateway to obtaining Australian Government funding for support at home known as a ‘home care package.’
To apply for a home care package you will first need to register through My Aged Care and then have an assessment.
At Benetas we understand that the My Aged Care system can be complex. We hope that this simple guide will help you navigate the first part of the aged care journey.
1. Prepare for your registration
Before you register for My Aged Care, there are some steps you can take to be prepared.
You can arrange to speak to someone at a service provider like Benetas to discuss which services may best support you or your loved one at home.
Benetas Team Leader Michelle Tregillis says, “When you call My Aged Care it’s good to have an idea of what services you may need as it will help the operator better assist you.”
To have a discussion with one of our aged care experts you can call 1300 23 63 82 or contact us online. You can also arrange to have a consultation in your home or selected location with one of our home care specialists.
We also recommend speaking to your friends and family, and your GP about your situation.
2. Register for My Aged Care and determine your eligibility
When you have an idea of the services you or your loved one may need you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or complete a self-service form online. We recommend having your Medicare card on hand.
If you call, My Aged Care will spend about 10 minutes on the phone with you, creating a client record that will include:
If you complete the online self-service form, you will be asked similar questions and it will take 15-20 minutes to complete.
The team at My Aged Care will be able to determine your eligibility for an assessment from your online form submission or phone call.
3. Get Assessed
If you're deemed eligible, My Aged Care will arrange for a trained assessor to visit you or loved one at home and determine the support required to remain independent at home.
What happens next?
Congratulations! If you've been assessed you are now on your journey towards a home care package. To learn more about this process and your options read 'How to prepare for a home care package.'
To learn more:
For free support and advice call Benetas on 1300 23 63 82 or contact us online.
If you are thinking about home care, please also get some advice from a doctor, or other medical professional.
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