Once you have been assessed for a home care package you will receive notification of the outcome via a letter in the mail.
If you’ve been approved for a home care package, you will be put on a national waiting list, which can be up to 12 months depending on the level of priority placed on your circumstances.
Haven't received this letter yet?
If you have not received your first letter from My Aged Care within a couple of weeks of your assessment, we encourage you to ring them to follow up.
Need support now?
The wait for a home care package can be lengthy, so you may want to consider some options for immediate support:
- Take up self-funded home care with Benetas. You could start receiving support at home within 3-5 days
- Talk to My Aged Care about getting access to a package lower than your approved level
- Consider short term care such as in-home nursing and respite services
Not approved for a home care package?
If your My Aged Care letter returns saying you aren’t approved, you still have options:
- Take up self-funded home support with Benetas or your chosen service provider
- If your circumstances have changed or you think there has been an error in the application, you can reapply for assessment by contacting My Aged Care.
- You can apply for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme for entry level home care services – Contact My Aged Care for more details.
You're on the waiting list. How can you prepare for your package?
“To be prepared for the next stage of your journey you can contact Benetas. We are here to support you each step of the way’, explains Benetas Team Leader Kim.
“Benetas specialists will come to your home, support you to choose the services that will best suit your preferred home living experience, explain the income-testing process and any other questions you may have”.
"The benefits are that you are predominantly stay in your own home and receive support," Kim said.
"Benetas are with you for the long term. We are in partnership with you and that means there always someone on the end of the phone to talk to.”
When will you know you're at the front of the waiting list?
When you reach the front of the national waiting list, you will receive a letter notifying you that you have 90 days until your package is available.
To learn more:
For free support and advice call Benetas on 1300 23 63 82 or contact us online.
If you are thinking about home care, please also get some advice from a doctor, or other medical professional.